Life Insurance Cover
What is life insurance?
Life insurance is a way to protect your family needs to cover any outstanding debts like mortgages, credit cards, car loans or the loss of an income due to death of a loved one.

Why do I need life insurance?
Life insurance protects your family and loved ones against the unfortunate event of death.
This lump sum of money could provide the family with a large payout, or income to pay off the mortgage, or protect a loss of income so you can maintain a consistent standard of living.

How does life insurance work?
When you buy life insurance you pay either a monthly or annual premium, usually for a fixed term. If you die during this term the policy will pay out a tax free lump sum to your dependence.

How can Latimer Financial help me?
I have had 35 years experience in the financial services industry working for respected corporate businesses. Today I have started Latimer Financial to offer a bespoke protection service to cater for all needs. I am totally independent and am confident I can always offer a very competitive policy at a great price to suit your precise needs.